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Firm News: Summer 2022

The Firm is pleased to announce that the following attorneys have been named to the 2022 New Jersey Super Lawyers list. These selections were based on a statewide survey, an evaluation process and a peer review by a blue ribbon panel of attorneys. The methodology for selection can be found at (No aspect of this advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey).

Dennis J. Drasco for Business Litigation (Top 100 Lawyers)

Wayne J. Positan for Employment and Labor (Top 100 Lawyers)

Paul A. Sandars, III for Construction Litigation

Kevin F. Murphy for Estate Planning and Probate (10th year)

Kevin J. O’Connor for Business Litigation

Daniel M. Santarsiero for Employment and Labor

PAUL A. SANDARS, III: Presented a lecture on the Economic Loss Doctrine at the New Jersey State Bar Construction Law Forum in June 2021.

KEVIN J. O’CONNOR: Has been appointed counsel to the Board of Trustees of Foundabilities, Inc., a charitable organization providing adults with disabilities a safe, secure and supportive environment that will promote a sense of self-worth and acceptance in the local community. This will be accomplished through social interaction, supervised events, and services through volunteer efforts.