Business Formation
New Jersey and New York Business Formation Attorneys
Business Transactions Lawyers
Striking out as a new business owner or acquiring a business can be an exciting, yet challenging, opportunity. The right lawyer can make all the difference in determining the most appropriate legal entity to reduce your business’ exposure to risk.
For over 150 years, our law firm has provided comprehensive legal services to employers. The business law attorneys at our firm offer a detailed approach to help employers achieve their current and long-term goals. Contact our law firm today to get started with the right foundation.

Offering Business Formation Legal Services
At Lum, Drasco & Positan, we have extensive experience helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into business opportunities. Our approach is clear and straightforward. We work directly with business leaders to understand their top priorities and long-term vision.
- What is your tolerance for risk?
- What will be your business’ liability limits?
- How do you define your customers?
- Will business be conducted overseas?
- Where will the corporate office be located?
Our firm’s business attorneys’ comprehensive approach helps us zero-in on the advantages and drawbacks of organizing your business as a partnership, a closely-held business, as well as a C, S or LLC entity. We are focused on minimizing any financial or tax implications business owners, partners, or shareholders could encounter in the future.
Drafting and Negotiating Employment Documents
Since 1870, our law firm has fought to preserve employers’ interests in litigation. We know firsthand the types of employee concerns left unaddressed that could lead into long, drawn-out courtroom battles. Our law firm seeks to protect employers from the risk of litigation through drafting comprehensive employment contracts, including severance agreements and noncompete agreements.